Central Indiana Vision


Investment in People. Investment in Industry. Investment in Education. Investment in Place.

CIRDA and its partners, through extensive community and stakeholder engagement, developed CIRDA’s READI 2.0 Strategic Plan for Central Indiana.

Also, CIRDA has adopted the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Comprehensive Economic Development Plan adopted by evidencing the organizations’ shared commitment to investment in walkable and connected districts, expansion of diverse housing options, and targeted investment in innovation and research.

As the economic engine of the state of Indiana, Central-Indiana must continue to be a system of dynamic and energetic communities where families desire to live, entrepreneurs see opportunity, and industry thrives.


Attracting and retaining talent from world-renowned universities in the region


Addressing inhibitors of regional growth like educational attainment, natural resources and insufficient housing options

Quality of Place

Developing world-class parks and amenities to equitably provide green spaces in the region


Improving infrastructure to incentivize new and additional capital investments and projects


Attracting industry entrepreneurs and capital investments to stimulate economic growth


Creating more walkable and connected communities and reducing barriers to transportation

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